Essence Activation
1 : 1 Coaching Program

Within the use of Freedom Wellness bringing unity to the body, mind, and soul, a Holism approach as Promise guides your divine being through a practice of surrendering to the flow and calling in your essence, through authenticity and vulnerability.

Meet Promise

Hi! I'm Promise, and I founded Essence Activation, I know how it feels to not be sure on how or where to start naturally healing my body, mind, or soul.I was my first client, knowing i needed to find the answers to heal my human, i began my studies and found the root of my answer. Starting with yoga and meditation, leading to nutritional and herbalism studies, health and wellness coaching, then to energy healing (Reiki). Coming home to myself and giving myself permission to BE fully free and express my truth.I set off on a mission to learn everything I could to help heal my own human and help other women heal themselves through the effort to go full-time as a coach. In my journey I have worked through healing many of my traumas, healing my gut, healing my depression, cultivated my meditation and mindfulness practices. I have worked with many divine plant medicines, I am continuously healing my body as things arise, and healing my authentic vulnerable relationship with myself while following my calling to help others heal themselves through giving them tools and a safe sanctuary to be fully seen and express their pain.So, I put together a program to: 𝒉𝒆𝒍𝒑 π’˜π’π’Žπ’†π’ Holistically π’†π’Žπ’ƒπ’“π’‚π’„π’†, 𝒆𝒙𝒑𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒆𝒗𝒐𝒍𝒗𝒆 π’•π’‰π’†π’Šπ’“ π’†π’Žπ’π’•π’Šπ’π’π’” π’•π’‰π’“π’π’–π’ˆπ’‰ π’˜π’†π’π’π’π’†π’”π’” 𝒂𝒏𝒅 π’Žπ’Šπ’π’…π’”π’†π’• 𝒕𝒐𝒐𝒍𝒔, π’†π’Žπ’‘π’π’˜π’†π’“π’Šπ’π’ˆ π’•π’‰π’†π’Ž 𝒕𝒐 𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒍 π’•π’‰π’†π’Šπ’“ π’‰π’–π’Žπ’‚π’π’π’†π’”π’” called Essence Activation.As every Journey is vastly different our pasts sometimes steal the potential of us creating our dream life. This opportunity to work together gives us a chance to polish and clarify YOUR soul essence in this world while using YOUR intuitive abilities to sculpt a dream world. Clarifying the differences between egoic and divine thoughts and processing through trauma intuitively, diving into a more vulnerable, and raw relationship with yourself. The Journey we will take together will be personalized for YOUR path, discovering together what is alive for YOU at this time and working towards a mind, heart, soul and body healing connection."I am not what happened to me, I am who I choose to become"
- Carl Jung

Unraveling the Journey together: What is Included

● Opening Ceremony
● Holistic Wellness and Mindset Coaching Program personalized for you.
● 9 Week Program
● Weekly Individual check in calls
● 4 Modules diving into the journey
● 4 recorded lessons
● Learning to Centering and Cleansing the Mind, Soul, Heart, and Body while Shedding the unaligned stories.
● Showing up as YOU are going through steps of Identify, Honor, Process, Heal, Shine, to Essence Activation!
● Meditation and Breath work practices
● 8 Recorded Meditations
● Chat access with a response within 24/48hrs
● Journal exercises and weekly assignments
● Closing Ceremony

Who is this Adventure for?

● The amount of information and lack of instruction for ways to holistically heal the body and mind are overwhelming.
● Struggling to identify where an emotion is coming from and how to release or express it in a healthy way.
● Craving to evolve and transform through healing the human but are getting stuck inthe pain points of existence.
● Never feeling empowered to shed the stories that don’t align and keep facing the same problem with no external support.
● Is the pain from your past lingering into your present?
● Do you want a positive change in your life?
● Wanting to change your Nutritional path?
● Are you craving meditation to center you?
● Emotions get stuck in the body and cause illnesses, physical and mental.
●Struggling to cultivate an authentic and vulnerable way of being and relationship with yourself.


"The Essence Activation Program with Promise was an amazing experience that allowed me to engage in deep, personal exploration on a variety of levels while also making me feel completely supported and inspired the entire time. I have been on a healing, spiritual development journey for years, but the marriage of physical tools, guided meditations and online resources, as well as the personal accountability and encouragement, all worked together to make the program an incredible accelerator. I found myself making discoveries and working through blocks each and every week! I am eternally grateful to Promise for her wisdom, guidance, passion and deeply loving presence. I highly recommend this program for anyone seeking more clarity about their subconscious motivations, desiring healing from trauma and learned helplessness, as well as those who want some gentle yet powerful guidance along their spiritual, emotional, mental and/or physical journeys as a human."- Mayryanna Shakti

"Promise is a rare and amazing energy not often found in our world. She radiates positivity in the most pure ways. Throughout the 8 years I have know her she has help me in so many countless ways. From providing me with guidance in my most difficult times, to giving me the tools I needed to find my inner peace when my world was bleak. She may not know it but she has helped me find my inner fire, and my self belief in my endless pursuit of my passions. She can and will be the energy, guidance, knowledge, mentor you are looking for. To simply help be the guiding light you are searching for in our sometimes chaotic worlds."- Gregory Groce

Book A Discovery Call With Promise Today

An opportunity to dive into an activation for your Mind, Heart, Body, and Soul.After The Discovery call, Promise and your beautiful soul will go over financial options to continue down the path of the Essence Activation Coaching Program.

Refund policy: I do not offer a refund policy for my programs, I believe the investment in your growth and self transformation followed by a committed action helps activate more of a energetic exchange, stepping forward into a transformational journey together.

Copyright Β© 2023 Transmogrified Chrysalis LLC, All rights reserved Promise Craver.
